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Refined Design Concept Feedback

At the December 12, 2024, Pulse Memorial Advisory Council Meeting, design assistants presented a refined design concept for the future memorial. This concept incorporated elements that gained a consensus amongst committee members, survivors and families of the victims. 

The advisory committee would like your feedback on the refined design concept. The committee's vision is to create a memorial honoring the 49 victims, to reflect the themes of sanctuary, tranquility, hope, healing, education, acceptance, love and acknowledging the diverse identities of the victims.

We would like to know: 

  • how you feel about the refined design concept as a whole
  • does it align with the committee's vision for the memorial
  • how you feel about the way designers have depicted the various elements

We will leave this survey open until January 22, 2025. The next committee meeting will be on February 4, 2025, where they will finalize the design proposal to be shared with the Orlando City Council in early 2025. 

Denos su opinión - en Español

To see the refined design concept:

The design concept aligns with the committee's vision for the Pulse Memorial.
Renderings of elements align with the input I shared and with the input provided by families and survivors.